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The abstracts will be evaluated by two independent judges.  Researches are basically fall into the following target categories.

Target category

Main characteristics of research

Theoretical: the research focuses on the explanations of phenomena with the help of logical analysis as well as the synthesis of results in theories, principles and other research types (e.g. empirical studies).
Empirical: the research focuses on determining how education functions by using deductions of theories related to communication, learning, performance and technology.
Interpretation: in order to describe how education works, the research interprets and defines the phenomena in connection with human communication, learning, performance and the use of technology.
Developmental: the research centres around creative approaches invented by using technology and theory, in order toimprove human communication, learning and performance.
Assessment: the research focuses on an individual program, product or method, mainly in applied setting; it aims at describing and developing what is being examined or assessing its value and efficiency.

The assessment will be based on the criteria listed below:

  • The relevance of the abstract to the theme of the conference
  • The clear articulation of the fundamental questions and goals of the research
  • The theoretical and practical significance of the research
  • The presentation of the findings
  • Academic background (academic literature) and methods of  the research

If the difference between the scores given by the two judges exceeds ten, a third judge will be asked to offer an assessment as well. The final decision regarding participation in the conference will be made by the program committee.

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